May 10, 2021

A Letter to “Saucer News”

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Porto Velho This letter of John’s was published in the Spring 1968 issue of Saucer News, at that time edited by Gray Barker. John is, understandably, exasperated at all of the rumors circulating about him. The books he mentions deserve a few footnotes.

Gardner Soule wrote on many subjects, including Columbus, Eisenhower, the West, and cryptozoology, for both adults and children. Trail of the Abominable Snowman was published by Putnam in 1966; I haven’t read it.

J. Mortimer Sheppard had met John in Baghdad; as usual, John kept his business card. Sheppard wrote for a number of magazines, including Fate. He had a particular interest in the Sahara, and at one point crossed part of it in a land yacht. The original title for the proposed book was Sailing Sahara’s Sands, but it was eventually published asĀ Sahara Adventure (Adventurer’s Club, 1959), since his wind-sailing exploits only filled a few chapters.

Alex Jackinson was a literary agent, whose clients included both Sheppard and John. Cocktail Party for the Author (Challenge Press, 1964) is a memoir of his career. I took the trouble to find a copy (it’s not rare) and read it. He devotes a chapter to John, since Jackinson coached him on writing for the men’s adventure market, placed the stories that John sent from his travels, and found a publisher for Jadoo. He has some interesting things to say about that phase of John’s career, so I’ll post some excerpts nest week.

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